Join Us

Unlocking Business Potential in Vietnam and in the Asean Region

Explore a World of Opportunities with BeLuxCham

Join BeLuxCham and position your business at the heart of a thriving economic corridor. Explore new markets, engage with top decision-makers, and drive your business forward with our comprehensive support.

Membership Benefits

Exclusive Benefits for Our Members

Maximize Your Business Potential with BeLuxCham Membership

Our membership packages offer a range of exclusive benefits designed to enhance your business operations and professional growth:

  • Access to Events: Attend exclusive seminars, workshops, and networking events covering market entry strategies and industry-specific discussions.
  • Discounted Services: Enjoy cost savings on legal consultation, marketing, and travel services through our partnerships with local and international companies.
  • Visibility and Promotion: Showcase your products, services, and achievements through our member directory, website, and social media channels.
  • Advocacy and Representation through Eurocham: Benefit from the strong connections with government bodies and business associations, ensuring your voice is heard.
  • Community and Support: Join a vibrant community of like-minded professionals, fostering a supportive and dynamic business environment.

By becoming a member, you join a network of professionals dedicated to fostering business growth and collaboration between Belgium, Luxembourg, and Vietnam. Elevate your business to new heights with our resources, events, and services.