[Belgo] Belgian National Day Celebration

Do you consider yourself as a true craft beer lover? If so, this 21st July is a perfect day to visit Belgo to raise your chalice in celebrating the birth of Belgium, Kingdom of Beer!

Aside from the usual lineup of our unique Belgo beers collection, we are bringing to you:

– FREE WELCOME DRINK: A delectable beer cocktail especially made for this event, offered FOR FREE to everyone upon arrival!
– LIVE MUSIC by professional bands who will play classic tunes from famous Belgian singers, starting from 19:00 to 22:00 at both of our Da Kao and Le Ngo Cat pubs.
– SPECIAL OFFERS on Belgian imported beers and traditional Belgian dishes for the entire day!

Join us to celebrate Belgian National Day and enjoy the best Belgian party ever! 

Time: 21st July from 11am – 11:30pm

Location: Belgo 1: 159A Nguyen Van Thu, Dakao Ward, D1

                  Belgo 2: 2 Le Ngo Cat, Ward 6, D3

Live music, free welcome drink, and more special offers

For booking in advance, please contact info@belgo.com.vn


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