More than 400 Vietnamese firms are exporting timber products to Europe, which is the 4th biggest market for Vietnam’s wood exports, accounting for over 10% of the country’s total export of the products.

Vietnam’s export of wood products to the EU is expected to get a boost with the signing of the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA) between the two sides in Brussels, Belgium, on October 19.

According to Vice Chairman and General Secretary of Vietnam Timber and Forest Product Association (VIFORES) Nguyen Ton Quyen, EU is considered a very important market for Vietnamese timber products. FLEGT-VPA will help Vietnam export directly to 28 European countries without having to go through intermediary countries.

Quyen said the market would grow. In a few years, wood export value to the EU would grow from US$700 million today to more than US$1 billion.

To fulfill criteria set by the European market, Vietnamese firms have to obtain certificates and carry out paperwork to clarify the legal origin of their timber products.

In response to the requirement, a number of localities have developed wood material zones meeting Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards.

The northern province of Tuyen Quang has 19,700 ha of FSC-certificated forests to date and is striving to have another 4,500 – 5,000ha certified in 2019. Meanwhile, central Quang Tri province ranks first in the country with more than 25,000 ha of certified forests.

Vietnam is one of the world’s leading wood processing and exporting countries with an export turnover of US$8 billion in 2017. The figure is expected to hit US$9 billion this year.

The country earned more than US$7.61 billion from exports of forestry products between January and October, 84% of the yearly target. Timber and wood products contributed US$7.23 billion to the revenue.

The nation sets a target of US$20 billion in wood exports by 2025.



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The 12th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit concluded in Brussels, Belgium on October 19 with the release of a Presidential Statement affirming determination of ASEM members in strengthening partnership between the two continents in coping with global challenges and sketching out orientations to enhance intra-bloc cooperation in the future.

Prior to the closing, leaders of ASEM member countries had a discussion on regional and international issues, focusing on matters related to peace, security, anti-terrorism, non- proliferation of mass destruction weapons and maritime security.

They also discussed the complicated situation in the Middle East – Northern Africa, the Korean Peninsula, Iran, and the migration crisis. Many countries showed their concern about developments affecting security environment in Asia, including the East Sea and East China Sea.

Participants affirmed their commitment to maintaining peace, stability, maritime and overflight security, safety and freedom on the basis of full implementation of international law, as well as peacefully settling disputes in line with international law, especially the UN Charter and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, refraining from using or threatening to use force, not conducting unilateral actions against international law, and implementing measures to build trust and ensure self-restraint.

Addressing the session, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc stressed that peace, cooperation and development is the main trend of the era, but the international community is also witnessing strong changes and unprecedented challenges.

He proposed strengthening trade to maintain the recovery and ensure bright prospects of the global economy.

Vietnam supports efforts by the international community in line with the UN Charter and international law to seek peaceful and sustainable solutions to conflicts and disputes in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, he said.

The Vietnamese PM made clear that Vietnam and ASEAN members are working closely with the international community, including ASEM member countries, to maintain peace, stability, maritime and overflight security, safety and freedom, thus ensuring that freedom of trade is not hindered in the East Sea which is a big international sea route connecting trade between Asia and Europe as well as the whole world.

He underlined the need to persistently promote joint efforts, strengthen measures to build trust and preventive diplomacy, deal with disputed in a peaceful manner in conformity with international law including the UNCLOS, respect diplomatic and legal processes, and restrain from actions complicating the situation.

He also recognised initial progress in negotiation for a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC), highlighting Vietnam’s proposal that all parties should continue practical negotiation to soon reach the document.

The success of the 12th ASEM Summit created new motivation for the close and dynamic partnership between Asia and Europe, thus continuing to affirming the significant role of ASEM in the shaping architecture.



Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets with Belgium’s former Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere (L).

At a meeting on October 18 with Steven Vanackere who is also head of a group of parliamentarians from the Flemish Christian Democratic Party and a great contributor to the growth of the Vietnam-Belgium relationship, PM Phuc said the two countries have agreed upon a score of measures to step up future cooperation, including the acceleration of the signing of EVFTA, noting that the Belgian former minister has a wealth of experience in the field.

For his part, Vanackere assured his willingness to assist Vietnam in achieving the best results in this regard, adding that as a country with certain influences in the EU, Belgium has a strong voice in the signing of the trade deal.

Vietnam and Belgium hold huge potential for elevating their partnership to new heights, he said whilst highlighting Belgian enterprises’ strengths in seaports and logistics- the areas Belgium can expand its cooperation with Vietnam.

At the same time, Vietnam has well progressed in sustainable growth, while Belgium has many big businesses in science and technology, and as such the two sides should supplement each other in this field,  the former Belgian official said.

Vietnam has made great strides in sustainable development and Belgium has many leading businesses in science and technology, this giving the chance to both sides to support each other in this realm. On higher education cooperation, Belgium wants to receive more Vietnamese students, he said.

Vanackere stated that the European Council (EC)’s adoption of the free trade agreement with Vietnam indicates the union’s goodwill and aspiration to promote the deal and suggested both sides should maintain a regular exchange of information. Vietnam should provide further information on its achievements and efforts in socio-economic development, with its open and reforming government, he said.

The Vietnamese government leader agreed with Vanackere on great potential for substantial cooperation between the two countries, particularly in Vietnam’s strengths of processing industry and agriculture, and reiterated Vietnam’s readiness to import key products from Belgium.

Phuc also extolled cultural and education cooperation as Vietnam currently has 250 postgraduates studying in Belgium and the figure is expected to go up in the future, helping to improve the human resource quality of Vietnam.

He told the Belgian former FM that during his visit, the two countries’ businesses have signed many investment cooperation documents, while heads of major regions and enterprises of Belgium also showed their wish to augment mutually beneficial cooperation with Vietnam.

The EC’s approval of the EVFTA is good news and will benefit both sides, Phuc said, while affirming Vietnam’s stance on its active international integration and constant efforts in this aspect.



During the meeting, PM Phuc briefed his host on the results of his talks with Prime Minister Charles Michel and his discussions with leaders of the parliament, regions, and communities of Belgium.

Vietnam attributes importance to relations with Belgium, a founding member with an important role in the European Union (EU), Phuc said while affirming the country’s willingness to offer optimal conditions for Belgian enterprises to do business in Vietnam.

The PM voiced hope that the King and Queen of Belgium would visit Vietnam at an appropriate time in the future.

King Philippe welcomed the PM’s visit in conjunction with the 45th founding anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. He was reminiscent of his first visit to Vietnam in 1994 and led delegations of Belgian enterprises to the country to set up connectivity and carry out projects to improve the lives of local residents in the Mekong Delta.

The King held that he always greatly values ties with Vietnam and pays heed to Vietnam’s efforts to cope with climate change, saying that Belgium stays ready to transfer technologies to Vietnam to help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Both sides echoed their views that bilateral ties are growing steadily across a wide range of fields, especially in economics, trade, and investment, as demonstrated by nearly 70 successful projects in Vietnam.

They also suggested advancing bilateral collaboration in fields of Belgium’s strength and Vietnam’s demand such as high-tech agriculture, green technology, renewable energy, healthcare, and education-training.